Transfer (Crossing the Haliç), was a public event created during a residency at Caravansarai in Istanbul, Turkey in 2010. The construction was created from paper, cardboard, tape, and glue, and measured 24 x 55 x 55 in.
The construction was inspired by the architecture of Istanbul but referenced the significance of the dome throughout time and across cultures. The piece was sent via sandal (a small ferry boat) across the Haliç (Golden Horn) and then set free into the water. The trip across the Haliç, which divides the two sections of the European side of Istanbul, acknowledges the importance of the Haliç to the identity of the city and evokes the transfer of material, ideas, religion and power via the waterway and as embodied in the domed buildings that have come to symbolize Istanbul. The project was also an exercise in inserting site-specific artwork into the fabric of a city for a brief period of time and with no predetermined outcome. Far from being an individual effort, the event required the assistance of numerous local people and inspired an unexpected level of interaction with the artwork.